‘Choose a community’ branching scenario (H5P)

Learning Design

While working on a Sociology course aimed at older high school students, the Course Writer (SME) mentioned that teachers had been spending too much time helping students choose an appropriate community to focus on for their major assessment, taking away from their valuable teaching time. My solution was this creative application of the H5P Branching Scenario activity.

My role on this project: Learning designer, developer and editor.

Problem addressed: Due to the assignment’s strict definition of community and other guidelines, learners were struggling to choose an appropriate focus community for their assessment, requiring hands-on guidance from their teachers.

Key features:

  • Automates assistance for students in choosing a focus community that meets the requirements for the assessment.
  • Simplifies decision-making and reduces cognitive load for students.
  • Accessible design for diverse learners.
  • A downloadable / printable PDF is also available, offering the same guidance in checklist and flowchart form.

Technical implementation:

  • Mapped out a flowchart of the decision points and possible paths using Miro.
  • Created using an H5P Branching Scenario activity.
  • Embedded in a Moodle Book in order to be provided to learners at the optimal time in the flow of the course content.


  • Improved alignment of student projects with course requirements.
  • Frees up teaching time to support students on more important tasks.
  • Enhanced accessibility for students with diverse learning needs.
  • Positive feedback from Course Writer, teachers, and learners.
A selection of screenshots of a 'Choose your community' H5P module, including a start screen, question screen, 'try again' screen and a success screen
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